
About Rabbi Sarko
Life Cycle Events
Brit Milah
Baby Naming
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah

Bar\Bat Mitzvah for a Young Adult

No longer does where a person live affect if they can have a Bar/Bat Mitzvah. This program, designed by Rabbi Sarko, can span across location, condition and denomination.

A Bar Mitzvah is a personal declaration, in a public way, joining the Jewish community as a full participating member. Bar Mitzvah is less a ceremony and more a process; a process that leads to becoming and acting as a Jewish adult. Rabbi Sarko will lead the student through a course of study. The course will be modified to meet the needs and abilities of each student.

The course of study will span 20 sessions. Each session will be one hour long and will be completed over six months, in general about one time per week. The day and time will be scheduled so as to be as convenient as possible. The sessions will be done over a video conference program, like Skype, so we may talk and see each other one on one in real time. There is no cost for the video conference program.

Session Breakdown:

  • Define Judaism
  • Jewish History / Timeline
  • Jewish Holidays
  • Jewish Texts
  • Talmud
  • Shabbat Service
  • Parasha review and interpretation
  • Dvar (speech)
  • Jewish Prayer
  • Practice for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Day
  • The end ceremony when the student will read from the Torah can be organized in one of four ways:

    1. Arrange for your own service without involvement by Rabbi Sarko
    2. Conduct the service via video conference at the rabbi's synagogue in Spring Hill, Friday night or Saturday morning
    3. Destination Bar/Bat Mitzvah - Travel to Spring Hill, Florida
    4. Rabbi to travel to Bar/Bat Mitzvah local

    The Rabbi will also provide learning materials specifically directed to the service torah reading contents of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah.

    For discussion of this program or for any questions please give the rabbi a call at 724-963-0789 or email him at rabbi@rabbisarko.org